Passion + Purpose: An Interview by Lauren Callaghan

I was recently interviewed by Lauren Callaghan, an amazing photographer on the Northern Beaches in Sydney (who also did my shots for my website) on what I do, why I do it and what drove me to follow a path into Natural Medicine. It was an absolute joy to disclose a bit more about my passion and purpose so I hope you enjoy.

If you would like to find out more about Lauren, click below!

I feel blessed to have met this women! Photographing Kate was an absolute dream and I am now very grateful to call her a friend. She is warm, caring, determined, passionate… All of those delicious qualities you want to see in a human being. Kate lives and breathes whole body health – I can’t wait to see her mission unfold as she strives to educate and connect. Without further adieu, meet Kate.

Give a brief intro into what it is you do

I’m a naturopath with a passion for plant medicine, nutritional science and psychoneuroimmunology (or mindbody medicine). I believe we are a truly wholistic energetic system and to address any area of imbalance within the body, we must address all body systems, including physical signs and symptoms, mental thoughts and beliefs and emotional or soul aspects.

What’s your mission?

At its core, my mission is to empower women through education and connection to a deeper level of personal and global consciousness. With natural medicine, I feel we can connect more deeply to the wisdom of the earth and our connection to it via plant medicines. Plants work on both a physical and energetic level and I love the synergistic nature of plant medicine, as well as the ability to tailor a plant formula to an individual’s personal healing needs. I encourage women to ask questions, especially about their health, and to seek second or third opinions. Health and healing is often a journey and one whereby we are sometimes left feeling disempowered and confused. The ability to understand and address what is happening within our bodies, whether that’s on a physiological level via physical imbalance or on a mental/emotional level via body image or self-acceptance struggles, fascinates me. Education, self-enquiry and developing confidence in our ability to actively participate in our own healing is an incredible way to feel empowered and more connected to ourselves, our loved ones and the planet.

What does living the magic of a moment mean to you?

It’s being fully present in the moment (in every moment!). It’s stopping, breathing, re-centering and connecting to whatever is going on for me in that moment. I’m great at living in my head, so it can be confronting to connect or drop into my heart or my physical body, but I’m finding the more I open to that state of vulnerability, the easier it is for me to feel more comfortable, authentic and empowered in my own life.

What lesson have you learnt in the past six months, big or small, that has helped get you where you are right now?

Gosh … that burn out helps no one! That the hardest times are the ones that shape and mold you to your highest, most purposeful potential. That self-enquiry, understanding, responsibility and kindness are the least selfish, most positive contributions you can make for your own health and the wellbeing of those around you.

Describe in three words the feeling you get when looking at your portraits

Calm, centered and free (and joyful!)

What have these portraits given you and/or your biz?

Empowerment. The process of having professional photos taken allowed me to see a shift in how I viewed myself. I’m a bit of a low-maintenance chick (growing up with 4 brothers will do that to you!) so rarely spent time on how I looked. These nature-centric, professional portraits allowed me to connect with confidence to my inner wisdom and belief in myself to build my perfect business. Needless to say, they’ve helped me in creating the exact feel I wanted for my website, social media and overall brand.

Imagine you are 70 years old, you are looking back at your magic moments. What will be your proudest one?

I’m like a dog with a bone when it comes to self-enquiry, education and personal evolution. I can’t change the whole world, but I can look at the part I play in it. So it would have to be never being afraid to jump (and turn my life upside-down!) whenever the call for growth and exploration of life-purpose presented itself.

Thank you for your beautiful words Kate! Have a question for Kate or are you wishing to explore your health options? Connect with her:

Business Name: Kate Powe – Natural Medicine | Whole Body Health

Kate is a qualified naturopath who is passionate about helping women heal from hormonal havoc and inspiring women to know their own power, worth and wisdom.

Kate offers one-on-one Skype consults for irregular cycles, PMS and period pain, endometriosis, PCOS, peri-menopause, mood swings, fatigue and mental and emotional stress.

Simply drop me an email to see how I can help you!



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